In the science fiction world of Ender’s game progress is propelled by fear.
In the science fiction world of Ender’s game fear propels progress.
1. Science Fiction
v Genre

v Future
v Space travel
v Aliens
v Apocalypse
v Technology
2. Fear
v Death
v Loss of someone
v Xenophobia
v Fear of war
v Fear of becoming Peter (mean, killer, cruel)
v Conflict
v Fear of disappointment (failure)
v Buggers
3. Propelled
v Monitors, battle school
v Ansible
v Hundred years war
v ‘The nets’
4. Progress
v Ender being challenged
v Character develops – stronger
v Military develop
v Alliances made
v Improved technology
v Improved knowledge
v Must have a convincing victory
Alliances, technology and knowledge are all propelled by the fear of the buggers. They form alliances to protect the Earth; they improve their technology (mainly military) to match the buggers as well as their knowledge. They feel as though they must have a convincing victory to truly win the war.
Stream of consciousness
In the science fiction world of Ender’s game the buggers are one of the main sources of fear. The fear of the buggers relates to the fear of the unknown, the fear of death and the fear of the apocalypse.
Because of this fear they make better weapons, they try to make smarter decisions. They also use this fear to gain power. Through this fear they are able to make people do what they want because they say ‘if you don’t do this then people you love will die’.
They usually don’t use the fear for our own lives, but the fear for those that we love. The reason for this is that some people don’t care for their own lives, but would do anything to protect those they care for. These people, if they are strong are those who the government target.
Some of this occurs in real life such as terrorism, torture and even government. For people who have military power, they will use it to make people give them what they want, which is usually even more power.
Because the buggers are different we naturally fear them. It’s programed into our DNA to fear what is different. Also, because of the massive wars that where created by the buggers people fear for their lives.
If so much destruction and death was caused by the buggers the first time it will be the end of the world the third. This is also the fear of the apocalypse. Through all this, the government is able to stay in power.
How to write an essay
1. Read è React
2. Hypothesis è Unpack the question/prompt and react
3. Research
4. Stream of consciousness è Re-read writing (all fails go back to #2)
5. Drafting è Organise thoughts/ideas (structure)
6. Editing/revision
· Grab attention: So What?
o What’s In it For Me? (WIFM)
o Relevant
o 1-2 sentences
· General discussion of topic
o 1-3 sentences
o Highlight of important aspects of book focused on
o Sci-fi è book (characters, technology)
· Thesis
o 1 sentence
· Info
· Paragraphs
o Topic sentence è mini thesis
o Examples from the text (3-6 sentences)
§ Intro Quote è give relevance to topic sentence
§ Quote/ Quotes
§ Explain quote è why is this quote important to topic sentence/thesis
o Transition è connects one paragraph to another
· Sum it up
· Relate back to thesis
· Restate points
· WIFM: So What? è relevance
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