Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why does it matter? The Asian disease.

Read any story that we haven't read yet and write a review of the story and explain why it matters. Why should anyone care about the story/read it?

The Asian disease       by Simone Lazaroo

This story is about the author's father, who is suffering from a disease which slows down his speech and movement, and looking back into his past.

This story show's another light on the country her father came from. It shows that the places immigrant's come from really are bad enough to run away from. They are full of deadly diseases, cruel people and horrible living spaces. They are not entirely like this but it is still the majority. Children can't always get enough food and those that can are usually from the rich family's in the area. Emmanuel (the father) is killed because of a malnourished childhood, as his  doctor says "We suspect he suffers from the type caused by childhood malnutrition."

In the book it tells us of loss, she losses her father to a disease and it is hard for her. During the last months of his life Emmanuel's movements are slowed, almost to a halt, he is unable to speak recognisable English because the disease has slurred his voice and they don't let him eat solid food as he may choke upon it. Loss is so common in her family that they even have a saying about it: You haven't  grown up until you've faced your parent's death. It helps us to realise that no matter how sad death is, it's just another part of life.

She isn't trying to get attention from this, and she isn't trying to get our sympathy. All she is trying to do is how another side of the Asian immigration story.

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