Sunday, March 6, 2011

Speaking Assessment task

Nature of Task:

Persuasive texts are designed to position a point of view.

Texts that successfully persuade are usually highly emotive (conveys an emotion) and effectively balance opinions with facts (research).

Persuasive texts can make sweeping generalisations (uninformed conclusions - be weary of these), rely on stereotypes and hyperbole and yet still seem credible (reliable information).

This is because a combination of objective (fact) and subjective (opinion) information is usually used to persuade.

Careful use of repetition and high modality words (pesuasion techniques) can emphatically convey the composer’s purpose (subjective) if it is counterbalanced with the use of statistics, expert evidence and product/idea endorsement from authoritative sources (objective - fact).

Moreover, effective incorporation of anecdotes (small persona story), analogies (comparing two examples) and inclusive language (techniques) can personalise the message and help connect the composer and their text with its audience.

Are zoos still relevant for animal preservation?

I believe that zoos are still relevant when it comes to the preservation of animals. people think that zoos are just there so we can watch animals, but they actually are their to try to put creatures in there natural habitats, while there original ones are being destroyed. So these are some of the reasons why zoos are still relevant.

Equality: Reality or Ideal?

I do not believe that their is true equality. If there is, then why are people living in the streets, why are there wars and how come people are still fighting to get rights. even now, after all these years of saying people are equal there are people in countries, all over the world, that are suffering from lack of food and medicine.

Primary School children should be banned from Chatrooms.

I believe that children should be banned from chat-rooms. Children wouldn't really know how to use it and would add anyone who asks. Although it can allow them to make new friends, they can become 'friends' with people that would do bad things to them and it would but them at risk. This is why I believe that children shouldn't be aloud on chat-rooms.

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